German Partnership
Partnership Cooperation between Ceylon-German Technical Training Institute (CGTTI) and Gewerbliche Schule Metzingen (GSM) Germany
Since 1985 the partnership has been sponsored with more than 140,000 DM by the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Besides machines, teaching equipment and special literature, the travelling costs of the Sri Lankan and German teachers are financed. All the educational events are honorary and are held during German school vacations most of the time.
Sponsor: Ministry of Education Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany.
- Exchange and translation of syllabi, examination papers, technical literature etc.
- Consultation in technical and didactic fields
- Promotion of project-and production-oriented concepts of training
- Transfer of technology in the following fields:
- Automobile technology
- Maintenance and repair of machines & automobiles
- Production engineering
- Teacher training in modern didactics
- PLC & CNC Technology